Returns Policy
We want to make shopping with us easy for you. We offer a full refund or exchange for physical goods purchased from our online shop provided you have contacted us to request a refund within 14 days of the date on which the goods were delivered.
If you wish to cancel your order, you must do this within fourteen days of the delivery of the goods. We will process a refund for the original amount of your order once we receive the items.
Before a refund, cancellation or exchange is processed, you must send the goods back to us in their original condition, unless you have told us that the goods were originally received by you in a damaged or faulty condition, and we have agreed this. In this case, the damaged or faulty goods must be returned to us in the condition in which they were received by you. We may ask you to provide details of the damage or faults when you request an exchange or refund.
If you wish to exchange your goods due to the original goods being damaged, faulty or misdescribed, we will refund the cost of any return postage to you. If you wish to claim a refund under these same circumstances, we will refund the cost of any return postage along with the original postage cost and whatever amount you paid for the goods.
When you cancel an order, we will reimburse you the original cost of your goods and postage. We will not refund the cost of return postage where you have cancelled your order.
When returning goods to us, you are responsible for ensuring that the return is made using a suitable postal/courier service and that your goods are insured appropriately. We cannot accept liability for any goods you return to us which are lost or damaged in transit by your postal/courier service.